Veneer Treatment in Bhubaneswar

Dental veneers are nothing but ultra-thin layers of ceramic material which are used for correcting cosmetic defects of teeth. Sometimes veneers are used to correct the bite or to simply protect the tooth surface.

Dental Veneers
Dental Veneers can be either custom made or can be used directly over the surface of the tooth. There are two types of materials used to make veneers which are composite and porcelain.
A composite veneer directly built either in the mouth or customize from the dental laboratory which later covers the tooth surface.
Dental veneer is a less invasive procedure and helps to save maximum natural tooth structure which makes it popular dental cosmetic procedure nowadays.
If you want a better smile then schedule an appointment us today. At Kalinga Dental Clinic Bhubaneswar, we offer veneer treatment at affordable cost. If you want to know more about what can be the best solutions to make your smile beautiful or have any queries, then feel free to discuss with us.